September 27, 2009

Cole Cody Claridge


TrAvIs aNd SaVaNnA said...

AH congrats!!!!He is the cutest little guy!! I hope you are doing well!

Amanda Griggs said...

Congrats, Mom and Dad! He is a handsome boy!!!! Hope the delivery was safe, and that everyone is doing great!

Stormy and Spenser said...

Yay Danica! I'm so glad that he is finally here! Congrats to both of you, you guys will be such fun parents! :) I can't wait to see more pics. I hope everything went well for ya!

Ryan and Shannon Rapier said...

He is sooooo beautiful! I'm so glad he's finally here! Congrats guys.

Eldredge Family said...

What a pretty little man! I love his hair and his name! So cute!

Tamra and Jim said...

He is a very handsome little baby boy. We are so happy he's here and healthy. Baby and parents are doing great!

Heather said...

Beautiful! Congratulations!

Liz said...

YAY! I'm so happy for you and what a cute little guy you have with lots of dark hair. Congratulations so glad he is here and all is well.

jasonandjannafamily said...

Congrat! he is a cutie

Jessica Caldwell said...

Congradulations!! I heard you did an awesome job! He is so small I forget how little a newborn can be.

Adam and Janna Ellsworth said...

Awe.. when i saw you posted again... i was like, oh no, he still hasn't come! But then i saw his sweet picture! :) He's absolutley adorable and perfect!
Congrats, Can't wait to hear the WHOLE story.

C said...

SO handsome. I can't wait to see him. He reminds me of Porter with that hair! Makes me cry! He is precious - good job you guys :)

Mckay and Sherry said...

Look at that little adorable man! Congrats on the cuttie.

The Lewis Lovebirds! said...

CONGRATS! Yay im so happy for you. Enjoy it! He is a keeper for sure!

Stephanie Clites said...

he is so cute!! and yea for hair!! hey the next time you come down be sure to bring your sling, I need to do some adjusting :D

Taralee said...

hey hot mama!
i know your busy and all...with the breast feeding, lack of sleep, changing diapers, calming, soothing, feeding, burping, bathing...and everything else. BUT- you should post some more pictures of your little guy. I just can't get enough of "lil' triple C"....that's his gangsta name- given to him by his favorite aunt T-Lizzle. :)
Are you going to come up for CONFERENCE??? ha ha. I WISH. That would be awesome.

Davis Family said...

Congratulations! I am glad that he is finally here. Hope everything is going well!