April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Well this Easter will forever be marked as memorable because I GOT to play the Easter Bunny at work. I have never been so claustrophobic, hot, sweaty, and itchy in my life....except for in tanning beds. I took this picture in the locker room as I was getting dressed.

I forwarded it to people and said, "They said I looked like an Easter Bunny but I felt like a jackass." I really did.

The kids all loved me though....except for the two youngans who were totally shaking and screaming at the top of their lungs. I wanted to whisper to one boy, "Easter Bunny eats little boys." in a real scary voice but I was told very specifically not to talk! I did take a real deep breath when I was close to a little girl and she looked at her mom and said, "I can hear it breathing." It was hilarious.


Tamra and Jim said...

those pictures are hilarious. You made a cute bunny. :D

Taralee said...

Ha ha. You should have whispered that. It would have been SO painfully hilarious. oh man.
You make an amazing Easter Bunny. I'm sure it was so hard for you not to talk. First time?

C said...

Oh my gosh I would have paid big money to see that! That is hilarious - I'm sure you did a good job! I have always wanted to work at Disneyland as some little character and hug kids all day(if that makes you feel any better)

Jessica Caldwell said...

All I can say is LMAO!! That is so funny we ALL felt bad for you having to be the bunny! Crystal laughed she needed a laugh !! OH we are at the hospital Amanda is in labor !!!!!

Ryan and Shannon Rapier said...

Good job! What we won't do for a paycheck! J/K I'm sure you were great. That poor kid would've peed all over you if you'd whispered that in his ear!!

Taralee said...

It looks slightly freaky. And I can totally tell it is you because of the legs.

Kent Palmer Family said...

You make a cute bunny. How are you doing? I did not know you got married, congrats on that and also the new addition to your little family. Good Luck, with everything.

Amanda Griggs said...

Hilarious!!!! Thanks for the laugh!