June 22, 2009

Mirabel Baby Shower

So we all know I worked at a rockin' golf resort in Scottsdale for a few months. I really did love the people I worked with, it was just a seasonal job and it was hard not going to church Sundays. Anyways my last week there they threw me a baby shower. They gave me a $200 gift card to Babies R Us and a little basket of baby goodies. I was so giddy!

Me, Kathleen and Jan
Kristina (3 months preggers) , Me, Kathleen
Some of the gang!
A gift basket from Kristina! So stinkin cute! The clothes are adorable!
Ok not to be conceited but I look good.


Liz said...

How sweet of them! So glad they did that for you...a nice boost I'm sure.

Taralee said...

I love your thumbs.

Oh and looks like you totally got HOOKED up. That is so cool. You will love the gift card. They come in SO handy. Oh and don't worry too much, everything will come in time. All babies really need are love, diapers, and food. He will love you regardless!!