June 22, 2009

27 Weeks

Well this is me at 27 weeks. Don't mind the blood shot eyes. I guess I should stand up straight but oh well! So yes I'm definitely pregnant. I have break downs about every 5 minutes about how I'm not ready to say so long to just me and Cody. And because I really don't know how to take care of a baby. And because I think I'm still 17. And because of finances. And because I look at my house (packed in boxes) and think if he comes early, we have nothing for him but diapers and a blanket. Maybe next week will be better once we're done moving and I can actually start getting things for his room. Stress. Stress. Stress.

This past week my mom was in town for a business trip. I got to go hang out with her Wednesday and Thursday night. She is a total clown. We "stopped" by Ross "real quick" and two hours later we decided it was time to go to the next store! We're ridiculous. I think we walked up and down every aisle! I love being spoiled by her. She bought the cutest purple purse (after a whole day of convincing her she NEEDED it). My dad said she looks like a Phoenix Sun now because of her orange hair and purple bag. Hilarious. She was trying on shoes and her foot got a charlie horse and her toes were going every direction imaginable. Strange. I couldn't even look at her foot cuz it looked so painful.
Thursday we got to go to Scottsdale Fashion Square. My word that mall is huge and Up-ity! Like the time we were on the escalator but Cody and I didn't get on right behind my mom and she started talking and then realized we weren't behind her and the two snobs just kept looking at her and she would laugh and then laughed harder and harder. Such a dork! We hit the shoe sale at Nordstroms but weren't impressed...well maybe impressed at how ugly some of them were.
Thank you mom for letting me hang out with you! I loved it. Thank you for spoiling me and giving me a fresh wardrobe of maternity shirts! You're a great shopping partner thats for sure!


Tamra and Jim said...

It was fun spending time with you. We need to do it more often but I don't think my pocketbook can handle it. haha Your baby shower looked so much fun. I'm glad those people took care of you. See you again soon!

Liz said...

You are so cute pregnant! And your looking fantastic by the way...glad your mom came to see you and took you shopping. Now I wouldn't even go to Scottsdale Fashion square mall...they are very upity and so proud of their stuff!

Taralee said...

Aw, sounds like you and momma had fun! You're right, she is SO funny to walk around in the stores with.
By the WAY- I LOVE that dress and you look SO darn cute. WAY WAY WAY better than I looked when I was prego. You are tall....I just looked so short and stumpy.