November 15, 2007

Christmas Stuff

These are my cute Rudolph and Santa that I made. I love them. Its not a real good picture but they are pretty cute. Cody was impressed with my mad crafting skills. I'm a self proclaimed genius when it comes to modeling clay.


Rustino Scar said...

ah, cute. I feel like santa needs ears. Maybe you could just give him some ear muffs that look like clay pots. I think that would match the theme.

Tamra and Jim said...

Those are so cute. Can't wait to make some of my own! love ya

Nicole said...

THOSE ARE SP CUTE!!!!!! You have to tell how you made them! You and your mom! Can we not spread the talent around a LITTLE bit please!

Cody and Danica said...

I thought about giving him ears but I'm sure Santa gets so sick of whiney kids begging for presents so I gave him a little rest. Take it easy.

Jessica said...

great idea danica!! you are so crafty!!! :D

Cody and Danica said...

Thank magazines from Wal-Mart!

Jessica said...

hey! the ribbon is about 3 in. long. i loop them and put them into a styrophom ball. you can check it out at under do it yourself projects. way fun!